
What kind of an idiot makes a blog that he never updates? And why do you still come here to read it? Ah, my friends, I miss you and love you all.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

I can't stand talking with people who don't listen. I'm guilty of this sometimes too, so I'm sure I've offended or hurt other people in this way.

Some people think they're good listeners. They sit there and listen until they hear what they were waiting for and then respond to it. That's not being a good listener.

Being a good listener is not thinking about your response until you're sure you've heard what the person is really saying. Good listeners can figure out what the other person is trying to say even if they can't articulate it.

So please..... if you want to bother talking with me, either let me listen to you, or try and listen to me. If not, I don't want to talk with you.
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