
What kind of an idiot makes a blog that he never updates? And why do you still come here to read it? Ah, my friends, I miss you and love you all.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

In the last couple of weeks, I have had numerous friends and acquaintances encouraging me to start a blog. Apparently I have much to say about certain issues. Personally, I think that I am not a preacher, but a conversationalist. I don't articulate thoughts well enough to write monologue. I'm much better when I have someone who challenges my thoughts as they are spoken. It helps me clarify what I'm really trying to communicate.

I suppose that trying to keep up with this blog will either provide me a venue to learn how to articulate my thoughts more precisely, or it will end up being a very drawn out online conversation. To avoid the impression of a false dichotomy, I suppose there is also the option of both things happening simultaneously.

Admittedly, I am very opinionated, but so are you….I think everyone is. The ones who are labeled “very opinionated” are either more confident in their opinions, or more verbal. They usually verbalize these opinions in black and white terms. I realize that this is frustrating to people who live in a world where we often prefer to see things in a grayscale. Black and white is puts a limit on the number of options we have. We don’t like limitations on options, because it forces us into limitations in choices and the consequences of those choices. I already mentioned false dichotomy: the assumption that there are only two possible choices in a given situation. I have noticed that many people are guilty of the opposite kind of fallacy. They try to exceed the limit of possible outcomes. Fear of commitment….fear of limitation….fear of making a choice.

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