
What kind of an idiot makes a blog that he never updates? And why do you still come here to read it? Ah, my friends, I miss you and love you all.

Friday, July 08, 2005

You ever have one of those things that you're absolutely sure about? What happens if you got proven wrong? Was I really proven wrong? If I made the right decision, then why does this weight feel heavier? Where's the relief indeed!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

"Actions speak louder than words."

This is especially true when the actions and words don't match up.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A while ago, a dear friend reminded me "Don't make promises you can't keep" and more specifically, "Don't say things that you can't back up with action". Good advice.

On another note, that was a HUGE comment a couple entries back by a guy I don't know named James.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

For those of you who are concerned about the punch in the stomach, don't worry. I was checking out a new gym in town and there happened to be a Tae Kwon Do club attached to it. Needless to say, I had to go check it out with a friend of mine. He suggested sparring with one of the black belts for fun. (yeah, fun) It was all my fault, I jumped in way too fast and too close.

But don't worry, I kicked him in the side at the same time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Where's the beef?

The beef's right here baby. Here it comes... I've realized that a growing number of people in Canadian and Chinese culture have bought into the "American dream". I'm not actually sure if I'm really talking about the American dream or not, but that's not the point, so calm down. HERE is the point... Too long have I listened to the words of ungodly people. They define contentment and ambition by the standards of Hollywood. What bothers me the most is that many Christians are buying into this too. Can I remain silent while they judge the lives of others by a worldly measurement?

A man neglects his children and his marriage to climb the corporate ladder. He doesn't care to discern whether he's standing on other people's shoulders or stepping on other people's toes to reach his goal. He burrows himself deeper into the hole of selfism and sin....
They label him "ambitious" and respect him for it.

A woman chooses to be a homemaker and take care of her children while her husband works to support the family. She gives up possible career dreams to cook, clean and change diapers, yet she is content knowing that she is rearing her own children and taking care of her family....
They label her "complacent" and mourn at the loss of her career potential.

A couple works hard to earn their living and save some money. They spend a little and save a little so they can buy the things they need along with the things they want. They eat out at nice restaurants and have toys than they are able to play with. As they walk by the young mother begging for change on the street, they feel a hint of compassion that is quickly replaced by remembering that they worked hard to get to where they are. They go to church and hear about the needs of missionaries and unreached nations, but they quickly remember that they bought a new couch and TV last month and can't really afford to give money away. They console themselves because someone else is sure to meet the need and hey, at least they've been tithing....
We envy their freedom and marvel at how "content" they are.

"Am I buggin' you? I don't mean to bug you, honey." -Bono

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Today I got punched in the stomach for the first time in 5 years. I'm gonna have to start doing sit-ups. It hurts more than I remember.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Soon I will have access to a computer of my own and internet access too!! Then I can blog all I want... will it be more frequent than it has been? Stay tuned to find out.

On another note, give me a topic and i'll blog about it.

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